How to Remove Spray Paint From Glass- 8+ Quick Ways to Remove Spray Paint from Glass

Do you want to know how to remove spray paint from glass items? Keep reading this article to find the complete guide.

There are so many ways that spray paint could get on glass objects. It could be from overspray as you work on another project or from the work of a graffiti artist.

You may also have just bought a car or house with spray-tinted windows. Either way, the paint can sometimes look ugly, and the only solution is to remove it.

However, spray paint adheres firmly to the surface, and removing it can be challenging if you do not know what to do. So I wrote this article to show you exactly how to remove spray paint from glass.

The quickest way to remove spray paint from glass is to use a specialized graffiti remover or a heavy-duty kitchen degreaser.

Both contain active ingredients that can cut through the dried spray paint and dissolve it.

You can also eliminate spray paint from glass using common solvents like acetone, turpentine, alcohol, or mineral spirits.

If you don’t want to use harsh chemical products, utilize a safe homemade solution like vinegar or remove the paint manually with a razor blade.

Even though all these products can remove spray paint, they work differently. Some are more potent than others and could cause irreversible damage, depending on your glass type.

So, Before you begin, you must first figure out the type of glass you’re working with to select the best solvent for the task.

In this article, I will explain how each solvent works and then show you the correct way to remove spray paint from glass. Let’s dive in!

Chemical Methods of Removing Spray Paint From Glass

They include:

Graffiti Remover

  • Best for removing large spray paint stains
  • Works on all types of glass
  • Can remove wet or hardened spray paint

Graffiti removers usually contain Methylene Chloride, a significant component of most paint removal products.

It is a potent formula that cuts through dried paint, dissolving it to reveal a fresh and clean surface.

I recommend these products as your first choice for removing paint from glass because they work fast.

Some products, like the easy-off oven cleaner and the Rustoleum graffiti remover, take as little as five minutes to break down spray paint.

Moreover, they work on all types of glass without risking damage to the surface.

The best thing about graffiti removal products is that most of them come in spray form. For this reason, they are quick and easy to apply.

In addition, the little spray containers are super light, allowing you to carry them around easily.

Nevertheless, these products also produce a lot of fumes; therefore, it is best to use them outside or in a well-ventilated room.

In addition, you must wear rubber gloves and safety goggles to protect your hands and eyes. 

Also, check the product label to ensure that it is suitable for use on glass. If it isn’t, the manufacturer will indicate it in the instructions.

How to Remove Spray Paint From Glass With Graffiti Remover

Materials Needed

  • Graffiti remover
  • Several microfiber cloths
  • Rubber gloves
  • Eye protection
  • Plastic tarp or drop cloth
  • Glass cleaner or warm water and a mild detergent
  • Paper towels


  1. Start by spraying a generous amount of graffiti remover over the paint stain.
  2. Allow it to sit for up to 90 minutes or the exact time indicated on the product’s user instructions. After this time passes, the paint will be loose enough.
  3. Next, use a microfiber cloth to wipe off the loose paint. Wipe off as much paint as possible, folding the cloth to reveal clean areas when necessary.

When a cloth gets saturated with paint, switch to a fresh one to avoid dirtying the freshly cleaned glass.

       4. After all the spray paint comes off, wash the surface with a glass cleaner to remove traces of the graffiti remover.

You can also combine warm water and mild detergent to make a cleaning solution if you do not have a glass cleaner.

       5. Rinse the glass with a lot of clean water, then dry it properly with paper towels.


  • Best for removing small paint stains
  • Works on all types of glass except fiberglass
  • Can remove fresh and dried spray paint

Acetone is one of the most common solvents widely used to remove paint from surfaces.

It is the ideal choice for removing minor spray paint stains from most types of glass except fiberglass. Acetone can quickly melt the protective outer coating of fiberglass and ruin it.

100% pure acetone is highly potent; therefore, it guarantees the complete obliteration of the spray paint.

If you do not have pure acetone, you can use any product that has acetone as a component to get the job done. A few good examples of such products are nail polish remover and paint thinner.

How to Remove Spray Paint From Glass With Acetone

Materials Needed

  • Pure acetone or an acetone product
  • Several cotton balls
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Rubber gloves
  • Warm Water
  • Glass cleaner or a Mild detergent


  1. Soak a little cotton ball in some acetone. If the paint stain is too large, use a microfiber cloth to cover more space.
  2. Place the soaked cloth over the paint stain and let it sit for about five minutes to allow the paint to soften. Five minutes is only enough time to soften paint that is partially hardened. You may need to let the acetone sit for up to 15 minutes if the paint is fully dry.
  3. Once you notice the pint loosening, use the same rag to rub it off. Rub off as much paint as possible, ensuring you switch rags whenever necessary. If you notice some stubborn paint stains remaining, soak a fresh rag in acetone and repeat the process.
  4. Once all the paint comes off, dampen a clean towel with some warm water, then wipe the glass to remove traces of the acetone.
  5. Finally, wash the glass with a glass cleaner, then dry it properly with paper towels.


  • Works on all types of glass.
  • Ideal for removing fresh and semi-hardened spray paint.

Alcohol-based products are commonly used as degreasers or general cleaners; therefore, it is no surprise that they can remove spray paint.

The most common alcohol-based cleaners used worldwide are rubbing alcohol and denatured alcohol. Many people think these products are the same, but I’m here to debunk that belief.

Denatured alcohol Is also commonly referred to as methylated spirits or wood spirits in some countries. Manufacturers formulate it by mixing ethanol with additives such as pyridine, methanol, or isopropyl alcohol.

These extra ingredients make ethanol smell and taste bad, discouraging recreational consumption.

On the other hand, rubbing alcohol can be either a pure or diluted form of isopropyl alcohol – an ingredient often used as an additive in denatured alcohol.

I recommend using denatured alcohol to remove spray paint from glass because it is more potent. However you can also use rubbing alcohol, but you will need to purchase a product with 70%-90% concentrated alcohol for the best results.

How to Remove Spray Paint From Glass With Alcohol

Materials Needed

  • Rubbing/Denatured Alcohol
  • Cotton balls and towels
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Gloves
  • Glass cleaner
  • Warm water + household detergent
  • Paper towels


  1. Dip a small cotton ball or towel in the alcohol, then place it over the paint stain.
  2. Hold the cotton ball over the paint stain until it starts to soften. This could take between 10-15 minutes, depending on the level of dryness of the paint stain and the type of alcohol you use.
  3. Rub the glass to remove the loose paint, and apply more alcohol if you notice any stubborn stains.
  4. Once all the paint comes off, wash the glass with a glass cleaner or warm soapy water to remove traces of the alcohol. Afterward, rinse the glass thoroughly and then dry it with paper towels.


  • Works on all types of glass
  • Only best for removing fresh or semi-dried paint

Turpentine is a solvent distilled from the resin in pine trees. It is popularly used as a paint thinner but works well as an after-work cleaning agent. Painters commonly use it to clean paintbrushes after projects.

Unlike the other solvents on this list, turpentine is not strong enough to remove fully hardened spray paint. It can only remove fresh or semi-dry paint; therefore, it is the ideal choice for first-try cleaning. 

For the newbies, semi-dry paint refers to spray paint that has hardened on top but is still wet underneath. The paint will feel dry to the touch at this stage, but it will come off if you use the right products and enough elbow grease.

How to Remove Spray Paint From Glass With Turpentine

  1. Dip a clean cotton rag in turpentine, then place it over the stain.
  2. Allow the rag to sit on the surface until the stain loosens.
  3. Rub the glass vigorously until the stain comes off. If any stains remain, repeat the process until you’re satisfied with the results.
  4. Finally, wash the glass to remove all traces of turpentine, then dry it thoroughly with paper towels.

Mineral Spirits

  • Works on all types of glass.
  • Can only remove fresh paint.

Mineral spirits can also dissolve paint; therefore, it is ordinarily used as a paint thinner and cleaning agent for painting tools. However, this product can only remove fresh paint, so it is best to use it as soon as the paint falls on the glass.

How To Remove Spray Paint From Glass With Mineral Spirits

  1. Saturate a clean rag or a cotton ball with mineral spirits, then place it over the paint stains.
  2. Wait a few minutes for the product to dissolve the paint, then rub the glass vigorously to remove the loose color.
  3. Afterward, wash the glass with soapy water or a glass cleaner to remove traces of the moral spirits.
  4. Finish by rinsing, then drying the glass with some paper towels.

Chemical-Free Methods of Removing Spray Paint From Glass

The methods include using:


  • Works on all types of glass, including fiber glass
  • Best for small-scale paint removal

Vinegar is a versatile kitchen staple that contains some acidic properties. For this reason, it is commonly used for various tasks, including general cleaning and degreasing.

The acidic nature of vinegar also makes it the appropriate, non-toxic alternative for removing paint from surfaces. The acid in the formula loosens the paint’s grip on the surface, making it easy to scrape.

Two main types of vinegar are used worldwide; white vinegar and apple cider vinegar. They have similar properties but are made using different materials and have different acetic acid concentrations.

White vinegar is also referred to as “distilled white vinegar” or “spirit vinegar.” Manufacturers make it using molasses, sugar beets, potatoes, or other sweet, starchy foods. The resulting product usually has an acetic acid concentration of between 5%-10%. 

You can also find white vinegar with up to 20% acidic concentrations; however, these are unsafe for human consumption. They are more potent and are best left for agricultural and cleaning purposes.

On the other hand, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is made by fermenting apples, sugar, and yeast in two stages. The resulting product usually contains only about 5% or 6% acetic acid, making ACV the ideal cooking component.

You can use both types of vinegar to remove spray paint from glass, but I recommend using white vinegar because it is more acidic. If you use the apple cider variety, the process will take too much time and effort.

How to Remove Spray Paint From Glass With Vinegar

Materials Needed

  • Vinegar
  • Saucepan/Microvavable container
  • Microwave/source of heat
  • Clean cloths and rags
  • Plastic or wooden paint scraper
  • Glass cleaner
  • Paper towels


  1. Pour ½  a cup of vinegar into an oven-safe container and heat it in a microwave. Ensure that the vinegar does not boil over to maintain its potency.
  • Alternatively, you can heat the vinegar in a saucepan over an open flame if you do not have a microwave.

       2. Next, dip a clean cloth or a cotton ball in the hot vinegar, then place it over the stains. You must perform this step while the vinegar is still hot to ensure its effectiveness.

       3. Let the soaked cloth sit over the glass for about 15 minutes or until the paint softens. Afterward, a plastic paint scraper gets the paint off the glass.

I recommend using a plastic scraper because it will not leave ugly scratches on the glass.

If some paint remains stuck on the surface, repeat the process.

       4. After all the paint comes off, wipe the glass with a clean damp towel to remove traces of the vinegar. Afterward, use a glass cleaner to wash the surface, then dry it thoroughly with paper towels.

Pressure Washing

  • It works on all types of glass.
  • It is the quickest, chemical-free method of removing paint
  • It does not require a lot of elbow grease.

Pressure washing is the best method if you want to avoid using harsh chemicals or spending time making homemade solvents. It is best for removing paint stains covering a large glass area – quicker than all the other chemical-free methods.

However, you must know how to use a pressure washer properly to avoid damaging the delicate glass.

How to Remove Spray Paint From Glass With A Pressure Washer

Materials Needed

  • Pressure Washer
  • Window cleaner or regular dish soap
  • Paper towels
  • Eye Protection


  1. Before you begin, cover everything you don’t want to get wet using electrical tape and plastic wraps.
  2. Next, fill the washer with a window cleaner or a mixture of water and dish soap.
  3. Attach the widest nozzle to the washer – this is usually the 40° nozzle for most standard pressure washers. If you use a narrow nozzle, you increase the risk of shattering the glass as you work. Also, set your washer to the lowest pressure to avoid damaging the glass.
  4. Stand at least 5-8 ft away from the glass because standing too close could cause it to break (Even if you are using low pressure.)
  5. Hold the washer’s nozzle at a 40°-45° angle from the glass and start spraying to remove the paint.
  • Move the washer slowly from side to side in a “scrubbing” motion until all the paint comes off.

       6. Rinse the glass with clean running water and dry it thoroughly with paper towels.

Using A Razor Blade

  • Best for removing small paint stains
  • Also good for minor clean-ups after using one of the other methods.

A razor blade is another excellent way to remove spray paint from a glass surface without chemicals. It is best for removing tiny, hardened paint drops or leftover stains after using any of the other methods I’ve mentioned.

Nevertheless, you must first learn a few tricks to avoid ruining the glass during the process. So let me show you how to do it correctly.

How to Remove Spray Paint From Glass With A Razor Blade

Materials Needed

  • Several sharp blades
  • Warm soapy water
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • A small basin
  • Cotton cloths
  • Glass cleaner
  • Paper towels


  1. Start by placing a small basin under the glass to catch the paint as you scrape it off the surface. You can also use a plastic tarp if a basin doesn’t work for your situation.
  2. Next, wet the glass with soapy water to lubricate it. This is essential because it will allow the razor blade to slide smoothly over the glass without scratching it. The soapy water will also prevent the paint from flaking and dispersing as you work.
  3. Hold the razor blade against the surface at a 45° angle and carefully slide it under the paint to lift it. Use short strokes to push the blade forward, then lift it off the surface after each stroke.
  • Avoid dragging the blade across the glass in a backstroke to avoid scratching it accidentally.

       4. If you feel a little resistance, add more lubricant on the surface and keep working. However, it may signify a dull blade if you hear scratching sounds when the glass is lubricated correctly. In this case, pick another sharp blade and continue working.

       5. After all the paint comes off, wash the surface with a glass cleaner and wipe it thoroughly with paper towels.

Using Fine Steel Wool

  • Best used to remove minor paint stains

Steel wool is a material that has so many uses, ranging from aging wood to cleaning surfaces. Steel wool’s abrasive nature has made it onto this list of paint removal methods.

Like many abrasive materials, steel wool comes in several abrasive levels called grades. This classification is similar to how we classify sandpaper in grits. However, for paint removal purposes, we’ll focus on Grade 0000 steel wool – aka super fine grade.

Grade 0000 steel wool has smaller fiber diameters; therefore, it does not leave scratches on surfaces. This makes it a good fit for removing paint from glass because it guarantees that the surface will remain without scratches. 

How to Remove Spray Paint From Glass With Steel Wool

Materials Needed

  • Grade 0000 steel wool
  • Small basin
  • Warm water
  • Dish soap
  • Glass cleaner
  • Paper towels


  1. Start by mixing some warm water and dish soap in a small basin. Next, dip the steel wool in the mixture and then rub the paint stain vigorously until it comes off.
  • It is essential to use the water-soap mixture because it will lubricate the surface allowing the steel wool to glide effortlessly over the glass.

       2. Keep dipping the steel wool and scrubbing until all the paint comes off.

       3. Afterward, wash the glass with an appropriate cleaner, rinse it and then dry it thoroughly with paper towels.

General Tips For Removing spray Paint From Glass

  1. Combine the chemical-free methods to make them more effective. For instance, you can soften the paint with vinegar, then use steel wool to scrub it off. You can also remove the paint with a blade and then use vinegar to soften and remove any paint remnants.
  2. Only use the appropriate method for the size of your glass item to avoid problems. For instance, using a pressure washer to remove paint from a small glass container is not logical. Such an item will shatter easily due to the pressure. In this case, acetone or any other solvent would be the more appropriate method.
  3. Ensure that you dispose of the paint-filled cloths and cotton balls at a hazardous waste center to avoid contaminating the environment. Also, do not burn the rags because paint and paint solvents are highly flammable and can cause accidents.
  4. Determine the type of spray paint on the glass to select the best-suited removal method. For instance, you would need a potent solvent like acetone or a product like graffiti remover to remove oil-based paint. On the other hand, latex spray paints can quickly come off with a less potent solvent like turpentine.

This is because oil-based spray paints adhere more firmly to surfaces than latex spray paints, hence the need for stronger removal methods.

5. Always test a solvent on an inconspicuous glass area before using it. This will help you know if your solvent will destroy the surface. If there’s damage or any slight change in the tested area, keep testing more products until you find the best one.

6. Avoid using the pressure washing method until you learn how to use a pressure washer. Until that happens, use chemicals or hire a professional to help remove large-scale spray paint stains.

7. Always wash and dry the glass after removing the paint to prevent streaks from forming.

Here’s How to Remove Spray Paint from Glass:


Unwanted spray paint stains from graffiti, a small blunder while crafting, or some overspray has become quite common today. For this reason, professional painters and DIYers have found several ways to remove the stains.

In this article, I focused on

How to Remove Spray Paint From Glass 

The method or solvent you use to remove spray paint from glass will depend on three major factors. These are the type of spray paint, the size of the glass item, and the amount of paint on the item.

Those three factors aside, your personal preferences will also affect whether you use chemicals or manual methods.

The quickest and most efficient way of removing spray paint is by using a graffiti remover or an oven cleaner like easy off.

These products break down spray paint efficiently regardless of the paint type or the glass size. In fact, these products are the best for removing many layers of fully hardened spray paint.

Minerals spirits will do the job for minor and fresher paint removals, such as small drips or an art mistake. If the paint has hardened slightly, you can opt for turpentine or an acetone product.

Vinegar is the best choice if you want a more natural paint removal method. Ensure that you use white distilled vinegar to do the job more quicker.

Finally, if you do not want to use chemicals entirely, you can utilize a pressure washer to remove the paint stains. For smaller paint drops, a razor blade or grade 0000 steel wool will be an excellent choice.

Thank you for reading this article, and I hope it will help you in your paint removal endeavors. Do not hesitate to contact me in the comments below if you have any questions or need me to clarify anything.