Can You Texture Over Paint? 

Image of textured paint which answers the question. Can You Texture Over Paint? You don’t have to be upset about the unsightly appearance of your painted surfaces. I say this because there are various techniques to choose from when you want to create a new feel on your painted structure. One question though is can you texture over paint? 

Yes, you can texture over paint to give your space a new look and feel. However, proper preparation would help you get the very best out of your project.

Continue reading to enrich yourself with more details concerning texturing over paint. 

How Do You Texture a Painted Wall? 

Most often than not, wall texture is applied out of necessity. For this reason, most homeowners opt for this technique to create a smooth glass-like texture for their painted walls. The smooth texture helps the wall color stand out since there are no bumps to form a shadow effect. 

It’s interesting to know that texturing your painted wall helps to hide the visible deformities. Best of all, you can texture your painted walls using inexpensive materials such as rollers. 

Keep reading as I am going to walk you through the proper techniques to texture your painted walls.


By default, texturing is a messy project that ends up in wet texture material zipping all over the place. So to avoid such occurrences, you will want to cover the floors and adjacent wall surfaces while not disregarding door and window trim. Use drop cloths to protect the floor. 

Things You Will Need

  • Drip cloths.
  • Plastic sheeting.
  • Drywall knife.
  • 5-gallon bucket.
  • Paintbrush.
  • Paint dish.
  • Paint roller.
  • Drill and paint mixer. 
  • Painter’s tape.
  • Drywall compound.
  • Drywall primer. 
  • Paint. 

Step 1: Patch the surfaces. 

First, patching the painted wall is necessary for a good texture. Therefore, start by patching holes or chips with a drywall compound. You will want to use a drywall knife to thrust the compound into the open holes.

After that, please give it a timely swipe with the knife’s edge to smooth the drywall compound across the surface. However, don’t take much of your time because it will get covered with the texture material. 

Step 2: Prime the Surface.

After covering the pre-existing imperfections on your painted wall, rub a coat of drywall primer. It’s more forgiving to use a roller as it doesn’t leave strokes on the surface.

After rolling out the first coat, allow it to dry, then proceed with a second coat if necessary. 

Step 3: Mix the Texture Compound

In this step, you will want to create an affordable wall texture material. You can achieve this by thinning out the drywall compound with some water in the ratio of 4:1. Still, you will need a 5-gallon bucket and a paint mixer attached to your drill to blend the texture compound appropriately. Make sure you mix the compound until it’s overly smooth and easy to apply. 

Alternatively, you can acquire a premixed texture paint to make your work easier. 

Step 4: Roll Out the Wall Texture. 

By default, texturing encompasses a two-part rolling process: the first application and a second rolling over the material after it is somewhat dry. However, achieving the correct timing is a strenuous part of the process. 

To begin, fill the paint dish with the blended texture material. Next, swoop your paint roller into the paint dish, roll it out and begin applying the texture on your painted wall. Remember to follow the instructions provided and avoid doing more than one coat. 

If your painted wall has hard-to-reach zones, use the flat side of your paintbrush to apply the texture material. Once you are done with applying the texture material, let it dry partially. And you can test for dryness by squeezing your thumb into the surface then pulling it back. The outcome should be sharp barbs. 

Step 5: Texture Again

After the applied texture material attains the desired viscosity, repeat rolling over the surface. This way, the partially dried material will be pulled up slightly, hence creating the preferred 3-D texture. 

Step 6: Establish a Knockdown Surface.  

This step is optional. You can knock down your textured surface by smoothing a drywall knife across, with the knife held at a flat angle. Doing this balances the peaks of the surface to create a textured plaster look. 

However, this method won’t work if the texture substance fails to meet the correct consistency. 

Do I Need to Prime Painted Walls Before Texturing?

Some homeowners tend to bypass the step of priming painted walls before texturing. But it is an essential step that you can’t merely disregard. Even if a primer may resemble latex paint, it serves an extremely different purpose. Ideally, it seals, adds color to the painted surface, and regulates the absorption ratio of the surface when the texture is added. 

Therefore, priming your painted walls before texturing is an integral step you can’t bypass. If you don’t use a primer, your texture might peel off the surface in certain spots. 


Before applying the primer, ensure your walls are free from dust. You can use a microfiber cloth to clean out the dust and dirt on your walls. 

Can You Do Knock-down Texture on Painted Walls? 

Knockdown texture is known for its stunning appearance and practicality. You can achieve its unmatched look by spraying or rolling drywall joint compounds to your painted walls to form peaks. After that, you can easily flatten the peaks using your knockdown knife. 

This results in mottled and naturalistic texture to establish dimensional visual impact exactly when hiding the surface deformities. Equally important, the treatment is handy in muting sounds. 

You can use these guidelines to establish a knockdown texture on your painted walls. 

Step 1: Prep the surface

As usual, surface prep is the first step of any given paint project. So you have to start by clearing the furniture in your workspace. Follow with uninstalling wall-mounted light fixtures and hangings. After that, apply masking tape to electrical covers and walls to deter overspray.

Step 2: Smooth the surface

Before executing this step, be sure to wear protective gloves and goggles to avoid contact with the compound. Next, apply the compound to cracks and holes on the surface. Give it ample time to dry, then pass fine-grit sandpaper over the surface to smooth out the peaks. 

Step 3: Mix the drywall joint compound. 

Choose a prevalent drywall joint compound that won’t dry too fast for the knockdown. Fill your 2-gallon bucket with cold water and pour 1.5 gallons of drywall joint compound powder. After that, you can now mix the ingredients with a power drill until the solution becomes lump-free. 

You can test the resulting mixture by applying a scant amount to the walls with a drywall knife. Then watch out. If the mud comes off easily, it’s attained the desired thin viscosity. If not, pour in more water, mix with a power drill and later test it again. 

Step 4: Set your air compressor

This step involves assembling your air compressor and deciding on your optimal spraying speed. To achieve this, begin by plugging the air compressor into a wall outlet, unlocking the air valve, and switching on the compressor. Next, set the pressure to 30 t0 40 psi. 

Test your spraying speed in an inconspicuous spot and choose the texture weight you want. But remember, the slower you spray, the more pronounced the texture. In contrast, a hasty spray results in a lighter and thinner texture. 

Step 5: Splatter the surface. 

After improving on your spray technique, splatter your intended wall from merely 18 inches away. Then you can now do the knockdown. 

Start by attaching your knockdown knife to an extension pole. Follow with gliding the edge in a straight line down the surface smoothly not to erase the topcoat. Once you are done, wipe the edge of the drywall knife with a clean damp rag. 

After that, reiterate the shifting process between applying mud and knocking down your texture in distinct sections until you cover the intended area. After closing the operation, lock the air valve, turn off the air compressor, and unplug it. 

What Are the Four Types of Texture? 

Painters make their paint projects look more appealing by adding texture to the surface. You can use different tools to achieve your desired texture, such as special knives, wide brushes, sponges, etc. That said, what are the four types of texture? 

The four types of texture are actual, abstract, simulated, and invented texture. 

Can I Spray Texture on a Painted Wall? 

Achieving a smooth wall surface is the default choice for most homeowners. However, achieving a smooth surface might be somewhat difficult, and that’s when texturing comes in handy. But can you spray texture on a painted wall? 

Yes, you can spray texture on a painted wall, provided the surface is blemish-free. Unfortunately, spray texture is not meant to cover large areas. Most spray cans only cover 75 to 125 Square feet, making them ideal for confined spaces. 

Is there a Textured Paint for Walls?

You can use several textured paints to create a rustic look on your walls and create a unique effect. Doing this lends your home personality, ambiance, and character. 

What’s even better? Textured paints allow you to style and add dimension to your walls. As such, this will define the appearance and feel of your home. Again, unlike regular paint, you don’t have to worry about the little imperfections with textured paints as it covers the cracks and dents. 

Here are the types of textured paints on sale today: 

  • Sand textured paint

This option integrates sand-like additives and is available in two categories: premixed and self-post mix. The premixed version comes included with the additives when purchased from the store. On the other hand, self-post mix permits you to mix it manually to establish your desired texture. 

  • Knockdown texture paint

This textured paint provides a mottled finish formed by watering down the paint to a soupy viscosity to create peaks on the painted surface. The peaks are later knocked down with a putty knife ahead of drying. 

  • Popcorn textured paint

The popcorn textured paint is commonplace for most painters as it hides the surface deformities on drywalls. It encompasses a styrofoam additive that gives it a tough and fluffy look resembling popcorn. 

I’ll show you how to apply textured paint effortlessly in the guidelines below: 

Step 1: Select your paint texture type.

The textured paint you settle for is based on the effect you want to create. For instance, if you intend to use it in areas that endure immense wear and tear, go for durable textured paint. 

Step 2: Prepare your wall.

Since textured paints excel well when the wall is clean, try to give the wall thorough cleaning ahead of the paint job. You can achieve that by sanding the wall to peel off the existing paint, then clean out dirt and debris before smoothing out the wall. 

After that, get your supplements ready. The supplements you’ll need include a roller, a sponge, a mixing bucket, and a wooden stick for the project. 

Step 3: Mix the paint.

Some textured paints integrate premixed compounds that permit you to begin the application phase directly. However, some versions require you to mix the paint. So for such options, ensure you check the buyer’s guide to ascertain the proportions required. 

Step 4: Test your textured paint. 

Once you are done mixing the paint, it’s recommended that you test it on any surface to see the outcome before applying it to your wall. You do this because it allows you to determine whether the textured paint you selected corroborates your needs or not. 

Step 5: Apply the paint.

After testing the textured paint, apply even coats on the wall and give it ample time to dry before installing another coat. 

How Long After Texture Can I Paint? 

Ideally, 24 hours is the ideal rule of thumb before painting or priming over a newly installed texture. But once the texture loses its default color and is evenly white, you can start painting. 

You want to fasten the drying time by mounting fans in the room or hairdryer. 

Is Knockdown Texture Outdated?

Textured walls have become a prevalent trend in most homes, and knockdown texture is not an exception. Knockdown texture provides your walls with a mottled texture, reduces noise in your room plus it hides all imperfections. 

Despite the knockdown texture offering walls an enhanced look, many homeowners think it’s outdated. One of its drawbacks is the downward splash when applying it on an elevated surface. 

What Is the Most Common Wall Texture?

There is a handful of wall textures on sale, and I understand that most DIYers are familiar with them. But which option is the most common? Don’t worry as I am going to enlighten you on that. 

The best and most common wall texture is the orange peel drywall texture. This option brags the benefit of sound dampening, plus it has modest curves, differentiating it from knockdown variations. 

Not to forget, orange peel texture has a planned appearance, and it’s easy to replicate, suppose it needs repairs. 

Can I Texture Over Latex Paint?

Yes, it’s possible to texture over latex paint, but you need to factor in sanding the peaks or boogers after texturing. 

How Do You Add Texture to Acrylic Paint?

You can add texture to acrylic paint by mixing it with different mediums to improve its consistency. Doing this adds intrigue to your paint project, among other benefits. 

So to add texture to your acrylic paint, you need to have acrylic painting mediums such as gel, modeling paste, and the rest. 

Once equipped with the supplies mentioned above, pour your chosen acrylic medium Into a paint dish. Then take a reasonable amount of acrylic paint and pour it into the paint dish containing the medium. Next, take a wooden stick and stir the mixture to your desired consistency. 

If the solution remains fluffy, add more acrylic medium until you reach the recommended viscosity, then paint away. 

Will Textured Paints Cover Imperfections?

Using textured paints is a great way of concealing wall imperfections, primarily if you are not planning to re-drywall. They come in different formulas, so you need to know which option best suits your demands. 

How Does Textured Paint Look Like?

Textured paint mimics the appearance of plaster and can hide the flaws on your walls if used correctly. 

How Do You Paint a Room to Make it Look Textured?

There is a myriad of painting techniques to employ that can give your walls a textured look. Don’t hesitate if you are curious about the techniques, as I have highlighted some in the guidelines below. 

Step 1

To begin, place a tarp to protect your floor from catching paint. Then unroll a painter’s tape and use it to mask off the encircling furniture. 

Step 2

After that, take your preferred base coat paint and stir it gently using a paint stick. Next, reach for an angled paintbrush, dip it in your paint and begin painting your walls, including the confined corners. For larger parts, use a roller to achieve even coverage. 

Step 3 

After painting, let the surface dry completely. Then wet a rag in clean water and squeeze it thoroughly. What follows is to forge the rag into a cylindrical shape and dip it into the glaze. 

Step 4

The next step involves rolling the cylindrical-shaped rag on your walls. Turn the rag randomly to a point you attain your desired effect. In the process, you will want to alternate the technique to the entire surface, reloading your rag with a glaze. But avoid putting excess glaze in one area. 

After you are through, unroll your painter’s tape and give the surface enough time to release moisture. 

How Thick is Textured Paint?

Textured paints are thicker than regular paints, so you need tools to establish your preferred texture. Ideally, the consistency of textured paint is roughly 2″. 

How to Make Textured Walls Look Good

Textured walls often encounter scratches with time. Luckily, there are various ways of keeping up with such demands whenever they occur. Keep reading to know more about the proven techniques. 

  • Renovate the trouble spots

Assess your walls and watch out for spots that require repair. If any, repair them and add a joint compound over the repaired surface, then match the texture to the walls. After that, allow the compound to dry for a while. Follow with sanding the surface, lightly feathering in the edges as you proceed. Once you are done, prime the repaired spots and pass a coat of paint over them. 

  • Smooth finish

The other alternative technique is to add joint compounds to bitterly damaged walls to alter the appearance. You then take a hand trowel and float the wall to level. After it’s dry, sand the newly installed joint compound until flat. This should leave your textured walls to look new and uniform. 

  • Wainscoting

This method permits you to add wainscoting to the lower portion of your textured walls. You do this to cover the lower portion of your walls in a color that contradicts the textured walls to enhance design appeal. 

If you are in for a bold, modern style, try painting the wainscoting in luminous colors. Thereafter, mend any lingering trouble spots in your textured wall, then repaint to add appeal. 

How Do You Smooth Out Textured Walls With a Skim Coat?

Smoothing out your textured walls can add an effect on the appearance. You can check out the following procedures to learn how to smooth out your textured walls with a skim coat. 

Supplies Needed

  • All-purpose joint compound. 
  • A 10 to a 12-inch taping knife. 
  • 14-inch mud pan
  •  putty knife.

Let’s now plunge into the virtual steps.

Step 1 

The first step is relatively challenging, but with adequate patience, you’ll get it right. Start by scooping a bit of the premixed compound into a mud pan and stir it until it mimics the consistency of creamy peanut butter. Next, use a knife to apply it to your walls in all directions until it appears smooth. 

Step 2 

As you apply the compound to your walls, try pulling it down back and forth until it starts to adhere to the surface. As the compound dries, it becomes harder to rub. So, the last swipes with the taping knife will establish a fairly smooth surface without leaving behind seam lines. However, you’ll notice some effervescence on the surface as you drag the compound down the walls. This shouldn’t concern you as they will disappear with time. 

What Happens If You Paint Over Wet Texture?

It’s impossible to paint over wet texture as the paint won’t adhere as expected. Even if you decide to paint over a wet texture, the surface will likely lose its stability and get deformed with time. As a general, allow your texture to dry to the touch for nearly 24 hours before passing paint over it. 

Can You Texture and Paint Same Day?

It’s my understanding that texturing and painting on the same day is nearly impossible due to insufficient dry time. However, it’s only possible to paint and texture the same day if temperature and humidity allow you to do so. Ideally, you can shorten the drying time by installing hairdryers in your room. Or, you may also want to keep your windows open for sufficient airflow. 

How Long Does it Take Texture Paint to Dry?

The drying time of textured paint oscillates depending on the conditions. If temperature and humidity allow, it will dry after 24 hours. But if the condition is damp, this period will extend. 

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Textured Walls?

Texturing walls has become a center of attraction for most homeowners. This technique has been in rapid demand over the years owing to its visual aesthetics. But what most people don’t know is this technique comes along with some pitfalls. 

Keep reading to learn more regarding texturing walls. 


  • Texturing walls leaves your house looking new as the texture highlights the walls. 
  • Once applied, the texture can endure ill-use and doesn’t come off easily. 
  • Creates a rustic look. 


  • Once the texture is applied to walls, painting the walls becomes somewhat difficult as it is time-intensive and calls for more upkeep.
  • Some textured walls appear outdated, and that can decrease the appeal for buyers. 

Are There Different Types of Wall Texture?

Wall textures are available in plenty, so it’s your responsibility to decide which one suits your demands. Check the common wall texture types below:

  • Comb.
  • Popcorn.
  • Orange peel.
  • Sand swirl.
  • Knockdown.
  • Skip-trowel.
  • Slap brush.
  • Rosebud.
  • Crows feet.
  • Stomp brush. 

Final Verdict 

We have seen how beneficial texturing walls is and the dimension and appeal it adds to your walls. This technique leaves your walls with durable characteristics, unlike the smooth walls that are delicate. 

Regardless, people are still unsure about this technique’s legitimacy, which brings about the question,

Can You Texture Over Paint?

Texturing over paint is not a new invention, and anyone can do it provided you start by preparing your walls thoroughly. Also, you need to decide on the wall texture that suits your needs to make the project enticing. 

Did you find this post helpful? I hope so, if you have a question, suggestion or opinion, kindly drop it in the comment section below and I will get back to you in case of questions.